You Are Really Forgiven…

Check out my sisters post from The Purpose Life Blog! Such a great reminder of the power of God’s forgiveness…. be blessed!


Last Sunday I taught my Sunday School children about Forgiveness. During the hour session I stated what forgiveness means and referencing with scriptures, I further explained it’s importance.

I used an illustration of a paper. I coloured one side with red pencil; the red representing our sins. The back of the paper which was clean represented the aftermath of our cleansing; that is after we ask for forgiveness and repent, we are made clean by God. This kept the children engaged and they gave examples of when they have had to forgive a friend/loved one.

Before the service, I prayed and asked God that His message would settle in their little hearts. Little did I know it was I who needed the message to settle in my heart.

24 hours later I found myself to have fallen short; I allowed my flesh to lead me and ended up desperately needing…

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